what can python automate

Automation. It’s imaginary to remove work. So, why not support it along?
Truth be said, automating even modest tasks robustly takes time and a lot of dependence management which can become very complex.
Nevertheless, it can be very rewarding to automate some modest tasks. Even if it was more for fun.
For those that are Python fans already, you know how friendly Python is for co-operating with just about everything. From sending HTTP requests, interacting with APIs, to loading and managing databases.
Python is a great choice for automation.
Here are five modest things you can automate that can help your many workflows and projects.


WhatOthers Do With Python

You’re possibly wondering what people are building with Python in the real world. So first, let’s take a fast look at how certain of the big tech companies are using the language.

Google is a company that has used Python from the start, and it’s increased a place as one of the tech giant’s chief server-side languages. Guido van Rossum, Python’s Benevolent Dictator for Life, even operated there for some years, overseeing the language’s development.

Instagram likes Python for its easiness. The service is known for successively “the world’s largest deployment of the Django web outline, which is written entirely in Python.”

Spotify places the language to use in its data analysis and back-end facilities. According to their group, Python’s ease of use tips to a lightning-fast development pipeline. Spotify accomplishes a ton of analyses to give references to their users, so they want something that’s simple but also works well. Python to the rescue!
You can checked out this article to see what further companies are doing with Python.

If you’re already influenced, then let’s get you ongoing!

WhatYou Can Do With Python

From web development to data science, machine learning, and more, Python’s real-world applications are infinite. Here are several projects that will assist you in finally placing your Python skills to good use.

1. Movingthe Mouse Automatically So Your Skype/Lynk Shows You as Active at Work

Imagine you have been scrolling over the newsfeed of your favourite social media app for the previous ten minutes. Suddenly, your Lynk active symbol turns yellow. You’re inactive and not in a meeting. 
Your nosey boss comes over and taps you on the shoulder. 
Surprised, you look up to see him conspicuous down at you. He has a bad habit of micro-managing each second of your time. 
“Hey, uh, I want you to relax and all but how is that module approaching along,” he asks. You grit your teeth and provide some sort of polite answer. 
“Cool, well, I just want to make sure you are fixing. Janice, our VP, is actually expecting us to meet our deadline.” 
End of interaction. 
If only Lynk didn’t call you out like that.  
Wait, you can get about this. After a few instants of Googling, you find a script to move your mouse and start coding up a job to run all few minutes that will make sure your mouse is moving. 
These activities of the mouse and the keyboard can help make it appearance like you are active at work, in the case of Skype or Lynk. 
The automation movement usages Python’s PyAutoGUI module. To install the PyAutoGUI module, run the following command:

pip install pyautogui 

Python controls and tracks the mouse by your screen’s coordinate system. For instance, if you use a 1920x1080 screen resolve, the coordinate system for your screen would appearance like this:
The following functions are accessible under the PyAutoGUI module:
·         size(): The size() function lets you know your screen resolution.
import pyautogui
Running this folder (saved as .py extension), the Python code uses the size() function to give the x, y format of your screen resolution as output:
·         moveTo(): The moveTo() function in the PyAutoGUI module moves the mouse. The code below usages the function, which takes the coordinates of x and y, and an optional duration argument. The function usages a stated time period argument to move your mouse pointer from a current location to the coordinates of x and y.
import pyautogui
print(pyautogui.size())pyautogui.moveTo(150,100, duration = 2)
Running this Python script wonderfully moves your mouse pointer from its present position to coordinates (150, 100), taking 2 seconds to complete the process.
Other than some of these basics, you can also usage functions, such as click and typewrite, for both click and type strings.
All of which can be used to help confirm that your boss doesn’t catch you slacking off any time quickly.

2. Automatingthe Website Login Process Using Selenium

Many websites frown on using automated crawlers and programs to log in to their websites. But, it’s still a excessive skill to have.
Selenium is a beneficial library that can be used by multiple languages and that can support automate UI QA, or even to scrape websites with a login.
Although learning Selenium can take specific time, start small. Just build a tool that can log in to your favourite website.
To get started, it’s vital that you install Chrome Driver and the Selenium library for Python. Usage the command below to add the Selenium library.

pip install Selenium
To start, we want to import some selected modules from Python’s Selenium library. Add the command below:

From selenium import webdriverdriver = webdriver.Chrome()
Now, to automate the login procedure, we start with a modest task like a login form for a website.
The task entails:
·         Navigating to the website.
·         Finding login fields (usually username and password).
·         Filling in your login details.
·         Submitting login details to get you through the login screen automatically.
Tip: You may choose to define a “method” (for frequent logins) to allow reuse in other tests.
The code lines would look similar to:
As you will notification, you need to get the elements you want to interrelate with. This is arguably one of the harder parts of making a web-scraper or automated script that logs in to websites. 
There are some ways to detect the elements of a web application to find the login fields. 
Common ways of finding elements include ID (like the example above), CSS selectors, name, and XPaths. 
A different approach to detecting elements for the login process can be found in the official documentation of Selenium. Some websites engage extra dynamic content (like several JavaScript!).
Overall, watching Selenium automatically click buttons and log in to your favourite websites is mesmerizing. Things just start moving and working without your interaction.
Almost like magic!

Creating automatic backup files can be very beneficial if you perform regular backups. 
You may be conversant with ZIP files (files with the .zip extension). ZIP files can contain some files with their compressed contents. And, as ZIP files can also hold many files and subfolders, it becomes a handy way to backup files by packaging them into one. 
A single ZIP file, called an archive file, can be generated automatically using Python functions in the zipfile module. 
You can also open (or extract) ZIP files using Python. The script is shared below. 
This script was occupied from the book Automate the Boring Stuff with Python (in case you want even more ideas).

Another one-off idea that we just saw and thought was an interesting way of automating tasks you might do fairly often, is using a script to post multiple videos to Reddit.
·        Posting YouTube videos in Reddit threads can also be automated.
·        The usage of PRAW, a Python wrapper that allows you to scrape data, can offer much extra to your Reddit experience.
·        To get started, install PRAW using pip.
·        The script below automatically posts YouTube videos to Reddit threads. 

5. Automate theBoring Stuff

This is a source on “practical programming for total beginners.” Like the title says, this book will teach you how to automate tedious tasks such as updating spreadsheets or renaming files on your PC.

·        It’s the perfect starting point for anybody who’s mastered the basics of Python.
·        You’ll get a chance to repetition what you’ve educated so far by making dictionaries, scraping the web, working with files, and creating objects and classes.
·        The hands-on requests that you come across in this book will provide you with real-world results that you can see immediately.
This source is accessible in different formats to give you the top learning experience possible. Buy the book on Amazon or read it online for free.

6. Create a Calculator

This modest project is a solid gateway into GUI programming. Building back-end facilities is one significant part of deployment, but there may be a front-end that needs to be occupied into account. Making applications that users can simply interact with is paramount.

If you’re interested in UX and UI design, then take a look at this tutorial. You’ll be working with the tkinter module, the normal graphical user interface package that comes traditionally bundled with Python.

·        The tkinter module is a wrapper around Tcl/Tk, a combination of the Tcl scripting language and a GUI outline extension, Tk. If you have Python installed, then you should already have the tkinter framework prepared to go as well. A simple call will get you started:
from tkinter import *

·        Once you’ve got that set up, you can get to work on building your first GUI calculator in Python.
·        Practice using the tkinter module and watch your idea materialize on the screen. Then, once you’ve got your feet wet, you can branch out and start working with Python’s additional GUI toolkits. Check out the official documentation on GUI Programming in Python for more information.

·        Automating tasks can be a lot of fun. Watching your program automatically log in to your favourite website, or load hundreds of files into a database, can make you feel as if you have re-designed the wheel.
·        And, there are a lot of excessive libraries out there that can help you automate tasks simply. Excel reports, emails, and other tasks can be simplified in a few lines of code.